she doesn't have time for anything but wants everything to come her way.

Monday, September 21, 2009

facebook flashbacks.

I don't know about you guys, but when I look back on pictures of a few years ago it seems like I'm looking at a totally different person.  Sometimes it's hard for me to connect the dots from the nerdy high-schooler scrambling out of depression and friend troubles to the happy, confident and purposeful woman I feel like I am today.  Maybe these feelings come out of reflection, or breaking down and taking apart things in my life - but the truth is you never really notice your progress in your everyday life until you stop feeling okay and you are looking for reasons to cheer yourself up.  Or maybe just fall on it accidentally.  Either way, this sort of stuff just makes me happy sometimes.  Especially since it is such an opposing feeling to last night - NOT a good night by any means.

It turns out that while I was working Saturday night, we had a semi-autumnal wind chill come in at nighttime and while outside cleaning tables I caught a massive sickness.  Ie. my throat is swollen up, my head was pounding and my body ached.  Therefore after the interesting, although too Jesus-y trip to the boyfriend's church yesterday afternoon (about which my father will never know because it will spur an eternal discussion and reminders on Christianity, and I'm sick of it as it is now), all I wanted was some r&r.  My boyfriend as it turns out was also feeling rather weird and had to go get some food for his empty belly.

So, due to that unfortunate event, I stayed home from my busiest school day today in order to reinstate myself to my healthy state.  Now, as the hour of lunch approaches and after a season of Canada's Next Top Model watched on skimpy, although rather good quality youtube clips, I decided to check my facebook for a blast to the past.  And as a further introduction into my life I have provided some pictures to show my transformation into the pretty successful weirdo I am today, a person on her way to becoming someone important, or great, or.. well, just pleasant and interesting to be around.

Well, the earliest pictures I have (digital camera ones anyway), is from when I went to Europe in grade 10.  Paris, Barcelona... it was beautiful, but I was pretty messed up emotionally at the time.

Then came my natural hair, cut short.  I've had these periods where I would let my hair grow long (but never as long as before when it reached my butt), and then I cut it incredibly short and pose in a really gay manner.  I can't say I was cool yet, but I spent a lot of time on MSN.  Those two things go together.

At this point in time I really liked playing with my haircolours - I had purple, blue, green, red, blonde, dark, everything! It was my time to play, and as my mom said later: it's not like I could really do that in my future job (assuming it was boring and required boring boringness).

Alas, this next picture was probably one of the few nice times I've had with my dad.  As you will find out more and more as I post more and more, my dad and I don't particularly get along very well.  It's been steadily improving since I was 13 and had a dip at 16 and a few other instances, but generally, we're okay.  I don't like saying bad things about him on the internet, or others for that matter,  but let's just say we don't get along very well.

Another thing is that at that time I was in pretty good shape due to dancing.  I used to take dance classes all the time until I just got really bored of the people in those classes.  I tried again in university but I lost some of that interest.  As a result, I've let myself out a little bit.

                                                                                        This is not one of my worst moments.  But the one coming up - was.  Semi formal, grade 10.  Backstabbing.  Jealousy. Tears, and yet I pull it off in a beautiful dress.  One of the most awful memories of high school, but now that I look back on it, one of the most defining of myself as a person as well.

                                                                                              This next picture is one of my sister. We're 11 years apart and we have issues haha. She is daddy's girl and I am mum's. She has an incredibly difficult personality that is getting all the harder to handle now that she understands so much more - she's now 8 years old and a complete brat. Rarely does she ever revert to her sweet inner child. But, she is my sister, and I love her nonetheless.

                                                      As for my past jobs: I've worked at Tim's, a giant Canadian coffee chain as a first job.  After that hellish experience I moved on to Gap, which was okay but not my life long dream, let's put it that way.  And after Gap, I did a summer camp.  It was great - I worked with wonderful kids and I loved every moment of being outside and spending time with darling little wonders, but it was a big summer full of change for me - I decided once and for all that my best friend for a while had lost her charm and her chances with me and I called it quits.  That summer was also my comeback to a relative love life coming from the heartbreak of my grade 10 summer.  I also got in touch with nature, a little bit.

After that came grade 12 - something that changed a good portion of my life in many different ways. That was when I fell in love with my history teacher, and through my adoration of him discovered the passionate world of politics and debating; when I discovered spoken word and the power of poetry from my incredible English teacher, and started building myself up into a person I was content with.  My friends were few but fabulous, and are still friends of mine to this day, and I am better off with everything that happened.

                                                       It was a busy year, but one I used to my full extent.  And at the end of it, and for my 18th birthday, my parents gave me an incredible gift: a trip to my birthplace and the homestead of more than half of my extended family, including my grandparents (mom's side), my uncles and aunts and cousins.  It was incredible and I still wish to go back every summer and spend more and more time discovering the country that birthed me and placed such a solid foundation to my morals.  This is me with my grandmother standing in front of the Tverskaya Art Gallery - a wonderful and quiet and gallant place.  Generally, I'm not so tan - but that was thanks to a week in Jamaica that my parents had also gifted to our family.

After an eventful and relaxing summer, I had moved into residence at the University of Toronto.  While spending a lot of time studying, and getting good grades as a result, I felt like I missed out on the university experience in my first year.  Maybe it was the fact that I was so closed to the people I was living with, or maybe I was just going through some sort of transformation, but one way or another, I just didn't feel stable there.  While all of that was true, through all of the bullshit I waded through, I found some really superb people to be around that helped me survive it.  It's a shame I left them this year, but I feel like my move to York reflects the real life that I want to have.  The program makes more sense to me and makes me happier than U of T and I am enjoying the balance of things.

This is one of my great friends, Ferah.  Although me and her have trouble making plans to see each other, and therefore haven't seen each other since the beginning of U of T exams at the beginning of April... we love each other lots (and MISS each other lots.)

I think that's a general fucking overview of my life as I remember it.  So many more things went into it than I can mention, but if you're looking for a draft - this would be it.  Now, I'm confident in my skills - as a writer, yes, as a performer, still not quite.  I'm improving in my people skills and I'm landing jobs that I feel I'm ready for and can form to my advantage.  I love my boyfriend beyond belief, although we have had our share of fights too, and I am just happy with life.

The only other event I've missed out is the passing away of my grandmother this summer, June 3, 2009.  While I don't particularly want to go into details, all I'm going to say is that it was incredibly hard and tolling on my entire family and I don't believe I've still faced the reality of it.  She still crosses my mind often reminding me of things she's said or advised or believed in.  2009 has been a hard year, but one that I've found has caused me to grow more than all of the others combined.  That's a big statement considering all of the drama I've lived through.  But all of that you'll heard about in pieces, later on.

For now, it's time to go make some lunch, and do some reading for the school I'm missing as I write this.

Ciao. Ak.

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